Experts detail fatal symptoms of pesticide poisoning
Pesticide Poisoning is a major cause of degradation of human health in agriculture dominated areas in the world. Many people in the world die because of pesticides exposure.
The researchers from Lanka, Australia and the UK have found some deadly symptoms of pesticide poisoning. The common symptoms are fatigue, joint and muscle pain, memory problems, headache, respiratory problems, dizziness, gastrointestinal disturbance and atrophy. The person dying with pesticide poisoning, develops nerve and nerve/muscle disorder some days before his death. The study is conducted on 78 patients admitted in Sri Lankan hospitals with organophosphate poisoning. It was found that 12.8 percent of patients had weakness in neck and limb muscles and 5 patients had developed respiratory problems due to pesticide poisoning. Organophosphate poisoning leads to respiratory problems which is a main cause of death.
Chemical organophosphate is largely used in many insecticides, pesticides and herbicides. It causes change in nerve transmission system before the development of intermediate syndrome (IMS). It results in weakness of muscles in limbs, neck and throat. High intake of pesticide leads to failure of respiratory system of human body.
The study is authored by a clinical pharmacology lecturer at the University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Pradeepa Jayawardane and his team and it is published in PLoS Medicine. The study will help in proper management of patients suffering from pesticide poisoning.