Elderly Woman dies of West Nile Virus in Nevada County
California's Department of Public Health announced on Monday that an elderly woman has died from the West Nile Virus. The death taken place in Nevada County is the first one from the West Nile Virus in California this year.
Health officials said 33 counties have reported about the virus activity this year. The number is four up from last year. Last year, 31 people had died from West Nile Virus. Experts have suggested that prevention is cure should be the strategy to remain safe.
As per authorities concerned, steps are being taken to keep mosquito population down. Weather condition is quite favorable for the breeding of mosquitoes. Therefore, there is an increased tendency for mosquito populations to increase noticeably.
Owing to this factor, it has become even more important to monitor the number and get rid of them as soon as possible. One of the best things for mosquito prevention is foggers. It kills every mosquito that it finds.
"Whenever we get a positive test, we go out with traps in that area looking for the breeding pool to do test samples to look for West Nile so we can catch it before we get a human case", affirmed Brandon Cobb, mosquito control employee.
Cobb affirmed that it is quite hot and almost no rain and on the top of it, it is their breeding season. This is the reason that they have been working harder this time of the year than throughout the rest of the season.