The dos and don’ts of becoming the perfect poser

The dos and don’ts of becoming the perfect poserMelbourne, April 17: Ever wondered how celebrities are able to cover up their most hideous physical features and turn out to be the perfect figure in front of the cameras? Well, it’s an art that requires a lot of constructed and thought out strategies.

However, this knack is not just limited to the A-listers, for Australia's Next Top Model stylist Jonathan Pease says that even we can look like celebs, just with the help of some camera dos and don’ts.

"Looking good is all about a focus shift, it's not about hiding your flaws, but finding out what you've got going for you, identifying it, believing it and learning how to work it," News. com. au quoted Pease, as saying.

While that sounds like advice only fit for fashionistas, he insists that everyone can learn how to take a better photograph.

"I think people can definitely improve the way they look in a photograph by the way they pose, 100 percent. You can make yourself look heavier or lighter, depending on how you stand, undoubtedly, I mean the right pair of shoes can strip kilos,” he said.

"There are lots of things you can do with fashion, but also posing, as simple as putting one foot in front of the other automatically shaves dimensions off you just by the nature of make that shape so straight away you look narrower,” he added.

Some of the strict no-no’s while taking a profile pic, according to Pease, are: don’t tilt your head to the side, don’t have a tight expression, don’t pucker up for the camera, don’t let someone take your photo from below, and look back over your shoulder.

Conversely, some of the must dos are: do tilt your head slightly upwards, do move your head forward slightly to eliminate a double chin, do place one leg forward to give your body shape, do move your arms away from your body to make them look thinner and flab free, do bend your knees slightly to keep you grounded and stable and most importantly do smile.

To make his point clear, Pease cited some real life celeb examples.

Voluptuous and famously curvy Beyonce always places one leg forward, he revealed.

"She's got a little bit of weight down there, she turns that weight into curves and that's sexy. She's doing that for slimming and also to bring shape and she does it beautifully,” he said.

Paris Hilton, the poser of all posers, employs various looks, by turning her feet inwards to hide her large feet and appear "slightly naive and slightly innocent.” (ANI)
