Discuss you child's computer games with other parents

Discuss you child's computer games with other parentsIlmenau, Germany  - Parents should get together to decide which computer games their children are allowed to play as it banning a game at home is pointless, if your kids are going to play it at their friends' houses, recommended medienbewsusst - a new internet portal in Germany.

It is designed to help parents become more aware of which games their children play and is based in the Technical University of Ilmenau in eastern Germany.

Parents who share details with one another have a better idea of who's playing what at home. It also helps keep track of younger children as they often want to imitate their elder siblings and play the same games regardless of whether they are appropriate for their age group.

Drawing programs, educational and children's games are best for children aged three to five, said the media researchers. Sports games and basic simulations are good for children aged six to nine.

The group's website offers tips and reviews products targeting children. Other media research and child protection agencies have collaborated on the project. (dpa)

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