Dietary Supplements To Possibly Lose Weight

Dietary Supplements To Possibly Lose WeightIt is very easy to gain weight but it is very hard to lose extra pounds. Most dieters live in fear of gaining extra pounds once they leave prescribed diet schedule.

According to the researchers from Britain’s University of Liverpool, a dietary supplement can save people from unwanted pounds after they go off their weight-loss plans.

The study showed that the dietary supplement alpha lipoic acid can “lock in” the benefits of a six-month weight loss program if taken after the diet is completed.

Researchers analyzed the effects of the dietary supplements on rats that were on normal and low-calorie diets. Researchers found that mice taking these supplements continued losing weight after they were taken off low calorie diet. The study showed that these supplement were also rich in anti-aging properties.

Goyns said, “Our discovery indicates that by following a calorie restriction diet for six months and then taking alpha-lipoic acid while eating normally, the same life extension effects will be experienced.”  
