Desire to have figure like J.Lo proved deadly for two women

Jennifer LopezVarious women yearn for perfect figures possessed by their favorite celebrity. Women sometimes use artificial means to achieve such figures however improper use of such techniques can be dangerous.

Recent case of two women fighting for their life reveals the risk involved in use of artificial means to achieve desired figure. Andrea Lee, 30 and her friend Zakiya Teagle,
33 paid more than £300 to Sharhonda Lindsay to have a series of silicone injections that they hoped would enhance the shape and size of their bottoms. Both women wanted to look like singer Jennifer Lopez.

Ms Lee suffered total kidney failure after being 'poisoned' and internal organs stopped functioning in Ms Teagle.

Police said that Lindsay has no medical licence or cosmetic surgery experience. She performed the 'butt shots' at her home last month. Investigating authorities believe that the two victims were told they were being injected with a silicone substance called 'Hydrogel'. But it is believed that a stronger industrial silicone was used.
