Delhi Police to order Radiation meters

Delhi-PoliceAfter having been caught red-handed of not being able to monitor the radio-active Cobalt 60 exposure, the police administration of the capital has finally woken up and has decided to order some sophisticated devices to monitor radiation.

According to the Delhi Police spokesperson, the Delhi Police will buy four radiation meters in the near future. Moreover, the Police Department has also issued a tender for the same. While the tender has been issues to public and private companies, multinats can also eye this lucrative opportunity by their India-based agents. Nevertheless, according to the terms of the tender, the equipment needs to be procured within the 60 days of the issue of the tender.

It was after the inspection done by the researchers of the Bhabha Research Centre in the Mayapuri region of the capital, where five people suffered from sun-burns after coming in contact with a material called Cobalt-60.

Moreover, the second incident around the same area made the issue all the more serious for the Delhi Police. Notably, after the equipment is procured, it is expected that the Delhi Police will be able to control the further damage.