The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has taken strong regulatory action against Ravindra Balu Bharti, a prominent YouTuber, and his company, Ravindra Bharti Education Institute.
Zerodha co-founders Nithin Kamath, Nikhil Kamath, and CTO Kailash Nadh recently appeared on CNBC-TV18’s Young Turks Reloaded podcast, where they discussed the pressing challenges facing their rapid
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has levied a ₹10 lakh penalty on brokerage firm Anand Rathi Share and Stock Broker for breaching stock broker regulations.
SEBI Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch is facing fresh criticism following allegations that she violated SEBI’s conflict of interest code by trading in listed securities and holding foreign assets, inc
Karvy Stock Broking has been barred by SEBI from signing up new clients and the exchanges have been ordered to not honor the transactions sent by Karvy Stock Broking.