Coconut Oil is the best for cooking: Study
A new research paper has unveiled that using vegetable oils for cooking is not a healthy option. It is better to choose lard, butter, coconut oil and olive oil for cooking. As per scientists, vegetable oil upon cooking releases toxic chemicals that are linked to cancer and may also lead to degeneration of brain.
Study researchers noticed that when corn, sunflower, palm and soya bean oils, referred are heated then they release chemicals known as aldehydes that have been linked to different cancers and even neuro-generative diseases like Alzheimer's.
Study researcher Martin Grootveld from DeMontfort University was of the view that when a meal like fish and chips are fried in vegetable oil then it has 100 to 200 times more aldehydes than the level being set by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
It was found that when butter, olive oil or lard is used for cooking then it produces very low levels of aldehydes and out of all the oils, coconut oil is the best. The study results do not go with the recommendations made by the NHS, which has long earned that cooking with lard and butter is not a healthy option.
“Try to cut down on foods that are high in saturated fat and have smaller amounts of foods that are rich in unsaturated fat instead”, is the statement present on the NHS choices website. On the other hand, the researchers have affirmed that vegetable oil’s omega 6 fatty acids take out omega 3 fatty acids, which is vital to maintain brain health.