Centre forms group to regulate pvt education

Concerned at the quality of higher education imparted in private institutions, the Centre plans to frame guidelines regulating the standard of education, fee structures and admission procedures in such institutes.

A group of ministers comprising Arjun Singh (HRD), Pranab Mukherjee (finance) and P Chidambaram (home) is examining the possibility of regulating private institutions, such as deemed universities, that come under the central government. The group is expected to submit its report shortly. The move is based on complaints by students who are either duped or imparted poor quality education.

Even as the government looks to increase involvement of private sector in higher education, Singh said on Wednesday the quality of education in private institutes was a major concern.

Speaking after inaugurating the sub-regional conference of South, South-West and Central Asia on higher education, he said private sector's involvement in education had increased dramatically in not just India but world over in the last few decades.

Vineeta Pandey/ DNA-Daily News & Analysis Source: 3D Syndication
