Brit sisters give birth to sons in same hospital in 45 minutes!

 Brit sisters give birth to sons in same hospital in 45 minutes!London, Nov 2 : Two sisters in England have beaten the odds by giving birth to sons in the same hospital within 45 minutes of each other.

Louise Bedford, 29, was preparing to have a Caesarean section at Dorset County Hospital in Dorchester when her sister, Lisa Reeve, 31, went into labor at home and was rushed to same hospital ward..

Shortly thereafter, Reeve gave birth to Jude, who weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces, while within the hour Bedford delivered Archie, who weighed in at 10 pounds.

Both Louise and Lisa and their babies are said to be well and recovering at their homes in Portland, Dorset.

Louise, who lives with partner Andrew Hodgkins and their two sons, was two weeks overdue when she was taken into Dorset County Hospital in nearby Dorchester.

Lisa was one week overdue so was resting at home when she went into labour on the same day as Louise was due to undergo her Caesarean, reports the Telegraph.

She said: "I knew Louise was already at the hospital when I arrived but I didn''t know she was having a Caesarean at first. Our mum was at the hospital and I remember being in a corridor with her while she was to-ing and fro-ing.

"I don''t think she could decide whether to be with me or my sister. I was given a running commentary on how everything was going though.

"In the end she waited until I had given birth to Jude before going down to be with Louise as she had Archie.

"My birth was over nice and quick compared to my sister''s."

Louise added: "It was all a bit of a different and exciting experience for us.

"I was not surprised at all that Lisa gave birth first - she always has to be first at everything." (ANI)
