Brisk sale of Benazir's last book in Pak

Islamabad, Feb16: Former Prime Minister Benazir BhuttoFormer Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s last book, ‘Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy and the West’ is selling like hot cakes across Pakistan.

The Saeed Book Bank at Islamabad’s Jinnah Super Market said: “We are selling 100 copies a day. It is the only book in our shop that has a high selling rate.”

“We had ordered 50 books on the demand of the people and all them have been sold. People are taking a keen interest in her last book completed just days before her assassination,” said another shop owner.

Mr. Books at the Super Market said: “This book is breaking records. We have been selling 60 copies daily. Foreigners and members of different political parties are amongst the purchasers.”

Published by Harper Collins in the United States and Simon and Schuster in Europe and Asia, the book was described by former Time Magazine publisher Walter Isaacson as an "extraordinarily important and beautiful work" that can be a brilliant manifesto for challenging militants in the Islamic world.

In her book, Benazir has attributed the rise of the MMA to Musharraf, who provided for the group's victory that enabled it to form governments in Balochistan and the North Western Frontier Province (NWFP).

Benazir also wrote that the only positive aspect to her life in exile was the development and deepening of certain friendships. (ANI)