Boston Dynamics’ new ‘Cheetah’ robot can outrun Olympian sprinter Usain Bolt

Boston Dynamics’ new ‘Cheetah’ robot can outrun Olympian sprinter Usain BoltAfter the Pentagon's unsuccessful March 2012 efforts to design a robot which could run faster than the world's fastest human, Olympian sprinter Usain Bolt, a company called Boston Dynamics has now reportedly accomplished the feat with its new super-fast robot!

Under a project which was funded by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Boston Dynamics has designed a robot - officially dubbed `Cheetah' - which has successfully beaten the best sprint time recorded by Bolt.

Referring to the International Association of Athletics Federations' statistics which show that Bolt's best 20-meter split recorded an all-time high of 27.78 miles per hour (mph), Boston Dynamics has claimed that its fastest-legged `Cheetah' robot can sprint 28.3 mph; thus outrunning Bolt.

With a video released by DARPA showing that the `Cheetah' is capable of running faster than the previous robot's fastest top speed of 18 mph, Boston Dynamics has revealed that the new fastest speed achieved by `Cheetah' on its four metal legs was largely a result of the fact that engineers had increased its power as well as brought about some improvements in its leg control algorithms.

However, noting that the `Cheetah' has an offboard power supply and uses a treadmill, Alfred Rizzi - chief robotics scientist at Boston Dynamics - said in a statement that the company aims at creating a robot which "moves freely outdoors while it runs fast," and added: "We are building an outdoor version that we call WildCat, that should be ready for testing early next year."