Book Profits In Maytas Infra
Technical Analysts have suggested investors to buy Maytas Infra as it is a good stock to trade.
Maytas Infra has got listed today on BSE at a premium of 40.27% to the issue price of Rs 370. It received brilliant response from investors’ side.
Within minutes of listing the company’s share price reached to a high of Rs 602.55. The company’s shares are dealing in the B1 group list of BSE, under the scrip code ‘532907.’
The company introduced the shares at a price of Rs 370 as compared to the price band of Rs 320 to Rs 370 a share with the face value of Rs 10 each.
Buy Maytas Infra shares on every dip and see the miracle in the coming days.
Maytas Infra is a Hyderabad-based construction and infrastructure development company promoted by the founders of Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Its business profile can be broadly divided into two segments – construction and infrastructure development. In the construction segment, it takes projects as a contractor, and for infrastructure projects, it’s responsible for identifying, sourcing, developing, and operating projects.