Bird flu fear grips Manipur

Bird flu in ImphalImphal, Feb 5 : Even as the authorities in bird-flu hit West Bengal are trying to contain the spread of the virus, panic has gripped neighbouring states, including Manipur.

The veterinary and animal husbandry staff in Imphal are culling chickens that are being imported illegally as the State authorities have imposed a ban on import of livestock.

There have been reports of poultry being imported from Myanmar to meet the demand in the local market.

An alert has been sounded among the para-military forces, NGOs and private individuals to keep a strict vigil on such imports.

Meanwhile, the officials have seized around 6,120 chickens brought in 120 baskets and culled them.

"We are appealing that any illegal transportation should be stopped with the help of general public and media people," said Dorendro Singh, Director, Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, Government of Manipur.

People fear that the thousands of migratory birds that flock the wetlands in the State can spread the avian flu among the humans in the region.

They have been demanding a proper check on a possible outbreak of bird flu in the region, especially, with the rumours of the H5N1 bird flu virus spreading out to other States from West Bengal.

Meanwhile, the authorities in West Bengal say that the bird flu situation has been brought under control with culling of about 3.4 million birds and various other measures.

The focus is now on hundreds of medical and veterinary workers and villagers who had come into close contact with dead or sick birds.

No suspected human cases of Avian Influenza have been detected in any of the affected Districts of West Bengal. (ANI)
