The Indian Cricket board has decided to move the Supreme Court challenging the Calcutta High Court's directive to initiate criminal proceedings against six top officials for filing false affidavits in the Jagmohan Dalmiya expulsion case.
Since Wednesday's sensational development, BCCI officials, including former chief Sharad Pawar, were busy in consulting lawyers.
Speaking on this, Rajiv Shukla, (Chairman - BCCI Finance Committee) said, “It was an ex parte order and the BCCI officials were not given an opportunity to put across their case. We have decided to move the Supreme Court in this matter.”
Earlier on Wednesday, the Calcutta High Court directed the commencement of criminal proceedings against BCCI President Sashank Manohar, former Board President Sharad Pawar and four top officials for filing false affidavits in the Dalmiya expulsion case.
The BCCI had expelled Dalmiya in December 2006 on charges of financial irregularities. The Board claimed Dalmiya was expelled under new rules framed by the body and that the rules were registered with the Tamil Nadu registrar of societies. The Board submitted an affidavit to this effect to Calcutta HC in April 2007.