Ban urges Zimbabwe's new premier to address country's crises

Ban urges Zimbabwe's new premier to address country's crises New York  - Zimbabwe's new Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai should address immediately the economic and humanitarian crises in the country, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said Wednesday in welcoming the new government leader.

Tsvangirai was sworn in as a political partner in the government of President Robert Mugabe, a deal that fulfilled an agreement reached last September between Mugabe and the opposition party headed by Tsvangirai.

Zimbabwe is confronted by deep economic and health problems, including a cholera epidemic, in addition to a downturn in living conditions for most of the country's population.

"The period ahead will also be critical for consolidating human rights and democratic reforms," Ban said. "The UN reiterates its offer of support to the new government in its recovery efforts to ease the suffering of the Zimbabwean people." (dpa)

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