Ban Unfeasibly Large Breasts From Adverts, Say Plastic Surgeons
A study carried out by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), on breast augmentation procedures, found that advertisements promoting unfeasibly large breasts among women have greatly increased four-fold in the past five years to more than 26,000 in 2007.
These ads target mainly the teen girls. Citing an ad for the West One Cosmetic Clinic in London, featuring a woman in a bikini, in which lady's bottom appears very slim to her top, on observing closely, it’s abnormal. Rather, Woman with that figure would have to undergo correctional surgery for years. Commenting on lunchtime facelift, Douglas McGeorge says, “it simply does not exist."
The association had taken matter, to the Advertising Standards Authority, against some of the advertisements, but still then the damage had been done. BAAPS has been increasingly concerned about the standard and style of today's cosmetic surgery advertising. Surgery requires realistic expectations and should be preceded, after proper consultation and under guidance of qualified clinician in an appropriate clinical setting.
BAAP also cited that the patients, who travel abroad for cheap treatment on package deals, can end up with fatal results. As, Nigel Mercer, president-elect of the association, who has been, performing corrective surgery on a patient, paying £650 for a breast implant operation, in Thailand – the price included flights and accommodation. BAAP, also criticized, Plastic surgeons using, irresponsible sales techniques and misleading advertising campaigns displaying woman's breasts, that are anatomically impossible.
To deal with the problem, BAAP is launching a campaign for stopping adverts and offer discounts or loans to fund surgery.