Bacteria in human gut can influence obesity level
According to a new research, there is a link between obesity and some kind of bacteria in human gut. As bacteria support digestion in human gut but some kind of bacteria can influence the obesity level. Person with obese bacteria might gain more weight.
Researchers found in their study that a molecule named as Gpr41, activated by two types of bacteria helps in slow down the movement of food through the gut. In this process human body absorb more nutrients or calories from food and gain weight.
The study was based on mice and it showed that those bred without Gpr41 were slimmer than others although they fed the same quantity of food. The study also points the way to a possible method of controlling weight, said the researchers.
“It's quite possible that blocking this receptor molecule in the intestine might fight a certain kind of obesity by blocking absorption of energy from the gut,” said Dr. Masashi Yanagisawa, Molecular genetics professor at UT Southwestern and senior author of the study.
According to a university press release, there are many bacteria live in a gut, break up large molecules and in turn the host absorb small molecules for energy and nutrients. Yanagisawa said, “It's truly a mutually beneficial relationship. We provide the bacteria with food, and in return they supply energy and nutrients.”