Avika Gor successfully managing both her work and studies
The exams fever has started having its effects on the students. Especially the pressure of exams must be even greater for the students who are also acting in daily soaps. But our sweet Avika Gor aka Anandi from Balika Vadhu fame seems to be comfortable with the situation.
"My exams are starting from 30th of March. I will take a leave from the serial from 26th of March. But even now I carry my books to the sets and study whenever I am not in the shot. I have always successfully managed both work and studies," speaks Avika Gor.
Avika further adds that her on-screen husband Jagya not only helps her with studies in the serial but also in real life, "Avinash is also helping me in my exams preparations. He too brings the school books at the sets and we study together." - Sampurn Media