Approval for Proposed Budget Cuts could push Egg Prices Even Higher

Owing to an outbreak of bird flu, tens of millions of birds had to be killed in the United States. Infections have been suffered by 10% of all egg-laying hens. The situation has led to rise of egg prices, but Senator Charles Schumer has to say that the situation could become even worse if a round of proposed budget cuts goes through.

The cost of eggs had almost increased to double in the last month. Schumer has called for eliminating proposed cuts of $500 million to the US Department of Agriculture.

“Here's what the USDA's program does. First, it's funding to help pay for a vaccination against bird flu so the birds will never get it. Second, it's used for bio-security measures, to help poultry owners stop the spread”, says Schumer.

He said approval for cuts will only undermine the efforts to stop the spread of the disease. As a result, prices of egg will only go up. Since the epidemic has started, nearly 48 million birds have been killed.

In a news conference Sunday outside a Manhattan supermarket, Schumer said prices of egg are nearly 50% up this year because of bird flu.

For the proposal to cut $500 million from a USDA fund, Schumer said it’s one of the dumbest moves being made by Washington. They are slashing a program that is required to stop the bird flu spread. The New York Democrat said that chances are high to see a slash in vaccination development and bio security measures.