Apple releases updated MacBook Air

Apple releases updated MacBook AirTechnology giant, Apple has released the updated version of its MacBook Air with more powerful processors, more storage and Thunderbolt ports.

The new 11” MacBook Air feature a high quality, bright and sharp screen for easy viewing. Even as the device is so small and a netbook in a form factor, it is as powerful as some laptops and bears comparison with Apple’s larger laptops.

The £999 model comes with a 1.6ghz Intel Core i5 processor and 4GB of RAM. The device is capable of running multiple applications on multiple desktops without slowing down. The MacBook Air upgrade came on the day that Apple released Lion

Meanwhile, the company has said that it has sold more than one million copies of its new Mac OS X Lion operating system to users through its Mac store. Lion OS, which is the seventh major revision of Mac OS X, comes after the company’s Snow Leopard OS that was released in 2009. Lion is the first update to the OS that will be available only as digital download to existing Mac OS users, through the Mac App Store.

Apple's Lion is only available from the Mac App Store for $29.99. The company will also offer the new version of the software on UBD drives priced at $69 for users who do not have an internet connection or are not prepared to download the bulky 4GB Lion install file.