Anna Paquin found love scenes with real life lover Stephen Moyer easier

New York, Jul 8 : New Zealand actress Anna Paquin has revealed that doing love scenes with her real life lover, Brit actor Stephen Moyer, in `True Blood' came easy.

Paquin, 26, said that their off camera relationship they helps when they have to do the many nude scenes on the show.

"Obviously, if you're already with that person then you're not having to sort of get over the `Wow, I'm naked with someone that I don't even know the middle name of!'" the New York Daily News quoted her as saying.

"I think that regardless of what kind of scene you're doing, the better you know the person ... the more open and real your performance can be.

"And that goes for stunt scenes and heavy emotional scenes and sex scenes. OK, so I have a little bit of a leg up in that particular area with my on-screen [partner]," she added. (ANI)