Animated film on “Life and Adventures of Santa Claus” in 2010

Animated film on “Life and Adventures of Santa Claus” in 2010Toonz Animation India Pvt Ltd, by virtue of a newly-signed contract with Gang of 7 Animation USA and Hyde Park Entertainment USA, will produce an animated feature film based on the "Life and adventures of Santa Claus."

The computer animation film will be directed by Tom Tataranowicz, Rich Arons and Dick Sebast, along with a team of experienced artistes. The project is currently in the pre-production stage, and production will commence soon at the Toonz Animation Studio in India.

The animation, created by Frank Baum, would include the life of Santa Claus from an infant to an adult. The full length film sets off into a hero's journey through an enchanted realm and into a confrontation with the heart of evil.

The animated film is expected to be released in time for Christmas 2010. Hyde Park will distribute the picture internationally and share North American rights with G7 Animation.

Head of G7 Animation, Tom Tataranowicz stated: "Amazingly enough, this is the first time an origin story, explaining Santa Claus and all the Christmas traditions, has ever come to the screen. We are very pleased to bring this exciting fantasy to life."

Expressing his views about the venture, P. Jayakumar, CEO of Toonz Group, said: "This is our first CGI theatrical feature and it's a great moment for us. We at Toonz look forward to this challenging opportunity which would test our creative talents, and anticipate an exciting and quality production."