KRChoksey Research has assigned an "ACCUMULATE" rating to Gujarat Fluorochemicals Ltd. (GFL) with a target price of Rs4,550, indicating a 7.1% upside from its current trading level of Rs4,250.
KRChoksey has issued an Accumulate recommendation for Ami Organics Ltd., with a target price of Rs. 1,994—a 9.6% potential upside from its current price of Rs. 1,820.
KRChoksey Research has issued an "Accumulate" call on Bandhan Bank, with a revised target price of Rs.200, indicating an 8.2% potential upside from its current market price of Rs.185.
KRChoksey has downgraded its stance on Laurus Labs to "ACCUMULATE" from "BUY," with a revised target price of Rs 489, implying a modest 5.4% upside from the current price of Rs 464.