Amateur Astronomer Believes He Saw Giant Mouse in Martian Surface
An amateur astronomer after seeing the recent images captured by NASA’s Curiosity Rover said that he has spotted a giant rat on the Martian surface. In the images it can be seen that the mouse is sitting on a ridge, he said.
Joe White, the amateur astronomer, even posted a video of the sighting on his YouTube channel, ArtAlienTV, on November 11. The video has received nearly 45,000 views so far.
As per NASA experts it is hard to see anything important in the image that the agency posted on its website. But White digitally enhanced the image in order to see what’s inside the image clearly.
The rover captured photo of what appears to be like a large rat that is sitting idly on a cliff. But so far NASA has not given any confirmation of any such find on the Martian surface.
New York Post reported that Amateur astronomer Joe White wrote on his YouTube channel that the spotting he made on Mars could also be an illusion. However, he didn’t dismiss the idea that it is a gigantic rodent.
As per estimations given by White, the rodent could be two to three feet long. The NASA’s Curiosity Rover has also sent back home pictures of giant sand dunes on the Red Planet.
NASA scientists said these images will help them learn how dunes and wind interact on a planet with low gravity and pressure.
“These dunes have a different texture from dunes on Earth. The ripples on them are much larger than ripples on top of dunes on Earth, and we don't know why”, said Nathan Bridges of Johns Hopkins University, who co-heads the Curiosity's ‘dune campaign’.