Admiral Mullen demands action against Pak-based extremists

Islamabad, Dec. 4 : The Chairman of the U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, has called on the Pakistan Government to crackdown on all extremist elements residing within its territory.

Admiral Mullen’s missive came after his meetings with Pakistan President Asif Ali Zadari, National Security Adviser Mahmud Durrani, the Chairman of the Pakistan Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Tariq Majid, the army chief, General Asfaq Parvez Kayani and the ISI chief, Lt. General Shuja Pasha to discuss the Mumbai terror attacks.

According to the Daily Times and The News, Admiral Mullen urged Pakistan to investigate all possible links between the Mumbai attacks and Pakistani groups and to broaden its campaign against militants.

He urged Pakistani officials to ‘investigate aggressively any and all possible ties to groups based in Pakistan’, the US embassy said in a statement.

“All agreed that the tragedy in Mumbai represents a dangerous escalation in the sophistication of extremist attacks and an increased threat to the entire region,” the statement said.

Admiral Mullen also commended Pakistan’s efforts in dealing with militants linked to al-Qaeda in its tribal belt bordering Afghanistan.

Separately, talking to Admiral Mullen, President Zardari said drone attacks could disrupt atmosphere of confidence in war against terror and called for an immediate halt to such attacks and respect Pakistan’s sovereignty.

Sources told Online that Mullen expressed his deep concern over mounting tension between Pakistan India. He was of the view that both countries must work jointly as it is a matter of security of both countries. (ANI)
