Acupuncture elevates exercise tolerance capability

Acupuncture elevates exercise tolerance capabilityThe latest development in case of fitness study explains that acupuncture can help improve exercise tolerance in patients who suffer from chronic heart failure.

According to Dr. Johannes Backs, physician and study director at the Department of Internal Medicine III (Cardiology, Angiology, and Pneumology - Medical Director: Professor Dr. Hugo Katus) of Heidelberg University Hospital who did the poll claimed that people who complain of breathing problems and high fatigue rate caused by physical exercise.

Acupuncture apparently raises the heart's pump function, and at the same time has a strong affect on skeletal muscle strength that results to offer a better physical endurance for patients.

This was further corroborated by the Traditional Chinese Medicine report that if patients were subjected with ten sessions of acupuncture on points that boost general strength, showed patients covering long distances with less exhaustion.

Boffins are now looking out for techniques that could result in betterment of cardiac patients over the long term.