3 Lebanese Pop-star murder mystery solved with death penalty for the murderers

Lebanese Pop-star murder mystery solved with death penalty for the murderers  Yesterday, finally the murder mystery of the of Lebanese pop star, Suzanne Tamim, 30, came to an end. The trial commenced last year, when she was found stabbed to death in her Dubai apartment.

In a Courtroom in Cairo, Hisham Talaat Moustafa, 60, one of Egypt's richest and most influential man, and the main suspect behind the murder was sentenced to death yesterday.

A real chaos was created in the court when death sentence was passed for Moustafa, who allegedly had paid an employee US$ 2 million to murder Tamim, since the popstar had refused to marry Moustfa. The court also passed death sentence for the killer, Muhsin Sukkari, who had worked for Moustafa at one of his hotels.

Moustafa, apart from being well-known billionaire businessman, is also a member of the ruling National Democratic Party; with a seat in the Shura Council, the upper house of parliament. Furthermore, he is also close friends with Egyptian President's son, Gamal Mubarak.

It has been learnt that Moustafa had paid Sukkari, a former policeman who had worked as a security man, to kill Ms. Tamim.

Sukkari somehow made his way in the popstar's luxury apartment and had killed her with multiple blows to her face and throat.

The major mistake done by the killer was to leave a shoe print at the scene which was traced first to a Dubai shoe shop and from there to the former policeman's home.

A source said, "Police were able to identify the suspect from security camera footage and DNA tests on blood on his clothes."

(via TopNews Arab Emirates. Contributed by Sadik Al Rumaithi)