An online survey indicates that the prevention lessons for H1N1 may become habits

An online survey indicates that the prevention lessons for H1N1 may become habitsA U. S. survey has indicated that lessons learned to help prevent the spread of H1N1 -- like sneezing into an elbow -- may become habits.

95 percent say they took proactive steps to combat cold and flu, while 5 percent say they did nothing or would "wait it out," a national survey of more than U. S. 1,000 adult men and women, by Matrixx Initiatives, Inc., the maker of Zicam, has indicated. The survey also found that eighty percent say they sneeze and cough into their elbow.

It was further noted that sixty-two percent of survey participants report getting a cold at least once a year.

To prevent cold and flu, 85 percent say they do frequent hand washings; 46 percent say they avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth; 34 percent say they use liberal amounts of anti-bacterial gel and 26 percent say they frequently sterilize commonly used items in the home and office.

It was also found by the survey that fifty percent of the respondents say they felt they were most susceptible to catching a cold at work; 43 percent say at a shopping mall, theater or public venue; 42 percent from kids; and 31 percent say on a plane, train or other public transportation.

With a random sample of 1,017 men and women selected to closely match U. S. population demographics, the online survey was conducted in February. (With Inputs from Agencies)