Inner garments is the major cause of breast cancer

Inner garments is the major cause of breast cancerInner garments and accessories are being used extensively by women worldwide. But they should be aware of some other things. Bra-wearing has been associated to breast cancer in a research conducted by Soma Grismaijer and Sidney Ross Singer.

They have concluded that females who wore a bra for 24 hours a day had a 113-fold boost in breast cancer occurrence in contrast to females who wear bra for less than 12 hours on a daily basis.

They recommend that bras apply sufficient pressure to the breast and nearby areas to slow down the stream of lymph, which then becoming a reason of poisons and other waste matter to stay behind in the breasts in spite of being secreted out.

Now, this outcome may be due to the reality that the majority of females just wear the incorrect size bra that is very much stiffed anywhere. No one has conducted any experiments scrutinizing the connection between breast cancer and how healthy the woman's bra fits.

The females should be aware of the consequences caused by their inner garments.