Google marks Leonhard Euler’s birthday with doodle

Google marks Leonhard Euler’s birthday with doodleInternet giant, Google is today marking the birth anniversary of great physicist and mathematician Leonard Euler with an interactive doodle on its flagship search engine home page.

Euler was born on 15 April 1707 and Google is marking the 360th birth anniversary of the great physicist and mathematician, who made significant contributions in the fields of infinitesimal calculus and graph theory. Euler learned of his love for the subject at an early age and was enrolled in the University of Basel at the young age of thirteen.

He was able to receive his Masters of Philosophy in 1723 at a young age of 16. Earlier, his father wanted him to study theology, Greek and Hebrew to be a pastor but the boy's tutor convinced his father after learning about his talent in the field of mathematics. He made contributions to all areas of mathematics and even some areas of science including physics.

Euler made several recognised contributions to mathematics including to geometry, infinitesimal calculus, trigonometry, algebra, and number theory. He discovered mathematical formula: V - E + F = 2 and also proved the largest Mersenne prime number 2,147,483,647 derived by 2 raised to the power of 31 - 1. This was the largest known Prime Number till 1867.

Euler is commemorated on Swiss currency and also has an asteroid, 2002 Euler, named after him. He also features of several Swiss, German, and Russian postage stamps. Leonhard Euler died on September 18, 1783 in St Petersburg, Russia.