Washing dishes may provide relief from stress

A new research paper published in Mindfulness has unveiled that washing dishes may help improve state of mind and relieve from stress. As per the research, people who mindfully wash dishes are likely to feel more inspired and less nervous.

According to the researchers, in order to reap the benefit people need to indulge their senses while washing the dishes like feeling water temperature, smelling the soap, feeling its lather and shape the plates.

The researchers think that washing dishes may lead to enhanced state of mindfulness. In the study, 51 students were observed while they washed dishes. The first half of the students were made to read a mindfulness dishwashing passage written by ThichNhat Hanh.

The second half was asked to read a few statements that described dish washing before washing them. The researchers noticed that those who mindfully washed dishes felt an increased feeling of inspiration by 25%. They also felt less nervous by 27%.

The group that has just read guidelines on dishwashing did not show any benefits. The study findings indicate that mindfulness can be reached by doing regular daily activities. The study being small in size, requires more tests to reach at a more definitive conclusion on psychological and emotional effects of dishwashing.

“I was particularly interested in how the mundane activities in life could be used to promote a mindful state and, thus, increase overall sense of well-being”, said study author Adam Hanley of FSU College of Education’s Counseling/School Psychology program.