Too-fat-to-work mother demands NHS weight loss operation

Too-fat-to-work mother demands NHS weight loss operationA woman with six children is demanding a weight loss operation offered by the NHS claiming that she is too fat to work.

Sara Agintas weighing 33-stone spent her life gorging on junk food and is now asking for the NHS to conduct the gastric band operation for her that would cost £14,000 to the taxpayers.

The 43-year-old woman said she is too overweight to get a job and demands that her operation should be free. She admitted drinking 12 small cans of Heineken a day while she was pregnant with her sixth child but says that it is too hard for her to diet after giving birth.

"I can't work because I'm too fat to fit in an office chair and can only stand for two minutes at a time. I can't afford a personal trainer or weight-loss surgery - I need help from the taxpayer. I know it's my fault I'm fat, but my pregnancy cravings meant I couldn't stop eating," she said.

Agintas and her husband, Halbin of Milton Keynes, Bucks receive £17,000 a year in benefits for their family. She went into benefits following her first child Gemma after applying for 15 jobs.