One Day Simple Blood Test to Detect All Cancers
This seems to be good news for patients suffering from cancer. British researchers have come up with a simple blood test to detect all types of cancers within one day, putting an end to long waiting of weeks for test reports.
Eric Lim, Consultant thoracic surgeon, believes this test to be a ‘real game changer’ as it helps in detecting the disease at an early stage, reducing the risk of death. Researchers said that now patients will not have to undergo long invasive procedures to get their disease diagnosed.
During the discovery of blood test, researchers were able to successfully analyze three common cancer-specific gene mutations in the DNA of the affected patient, which are generally not seen in a healthy person. The study was actually conducted on patients suffering with primary and secondary lung cancer, but resulted in gene patterns common to patients suffering with other forms of cancer. This proved that the blood test can help in detecting any type of cancers.
Eric Lam, at the annual World Conference on Lung Cancer in Colorado, US, said that we should not consider this blood test as an alternate to biopsy. Instead, we can use this test as an indicator for detecting the disease thus saving patients from undergoing unnecessary diagnostic procedures.
Mr. Lim, from Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, concluded that their team is working hard to make the blood test as more effective diagnostic tool in detecting the disease.