Horse psychology, pop music performance amongst UK''s daftest uni degrees!
London, September 15 : Students in the UK are being offered courses in horse psychology and pop music performance, amongst other bizarre university degrees in the country.
Youngsters can take up pop music performance at the University of East London, or hair dressing management at Derby University.
The equestrian psychology degree that examins the relationship between horses and riders is being offered at Glyndwr University, reports the Sun.
Cruise management and surf science and technology are available at Plymouth University, while Bath Spa University also runs a course in contemporary circus and physical performance.
The list of daft courses comes as top scientists remind the country’s government of the need to encourage serious academic subjects.
But Tory universities spokesman David Willetts showed support for some courses, saying: "There is an assumption that all of these courses must be useless but when you look at the hard evidence, it''s just not the case. Some of them are really valued by employers." (ANI)