Impulsiveness to eat healthy food can be an eating disorder

eating disorderThe old saying 'everything is good in limit' is applicable to intake of healthy food also. Too much focus on eating healthy foods can be an eating disorder.

Orthorexia is the recent addition to list of food disorders. The term Orthorexia coined Steven Bratman. Orthorexia has been derived from two Greek words, orthos means "correct or right", and orexis means "appetite" hence Orthorexia stands for "correct Appetite."

The obsession of a person to eat healthy food is called Orthorexia. It can lead to malnutrition, underlying health problems and sometimes even death.

Steve Bratman says that "Obsession with healthy food can progress to the point where it crowds out other activities and interests, impairs relationships, and even becomes physically dangerous. When this happens, orthorexia takes on the dimensions of a true eating disorder, like anorexia nervosa or bulimia".

Orthorexia can lead to unhealthy food pattern putting severe dietary restrictions leading to health problems like lack of energy, headaches, nausea, extreme weight loss and loss of muscle tone. The extreme urge to eat healthy food can lead to avoidance of several food items which provide necessary nutrients for proper function of body like certain fats and foods with preservatives.